A World of Stunning Images!
My Hong Kong photo excursion was a spectacular trip with even more amazing sights to capture than I could have imagined. I love to be able to switch gears or “photographic cross-train” on assignments, focusing on a range of very different types of subject matter, and Hong Kong was the perfect place to do this. From beaches and fishing villages to dramatic architecture, markets and monasteries, to delicious cuisine and cultural experiences, there was always something wonderful to photograph. Even though we had a great deal of rain the week we were there, we still were able to capture some unique, mysterious and moody images that in some ways made the trip even more exciting.
It is important to see the photographic opportunities available to you in the moment. Solving the rain problem was as simple as buying an expandable umbrella, wearing a good rain jacket that can cover your camera if necessary and bringing enough dry lens wipes to clean your lenses from any water droplets or condensation. I recommend keeping some cleaning cloths in Ziploc™ bags just to make sure they stay as dry as possible. Also, if you change lenses in the rain make sure that you find shelter first - or at least tip your camera down and do the lens change as quickly as possible. If you have a hot-shoe cover it is a good idea to have it in place during the rain, unless you are using a flash.
This was a really fun assignment for me because I was able to test and push the limits of my favourite new camera, the Nikon D5, in low light and a variety of challenging lighting conditions. It was great to travel with other amazing photographers on this trip. You always learn something by observing other photographers in action – how they shoot, how they see the world, and how their unique perspective produces different results in similar situations.
Without a doubt, my favourite photo ops on this trip were the monasteries. Man Mo Temple and Chi Lin Nunnery were stunning, especially when viewed through my wide angle lens.
Capturing the evening skyline from high vantage points was another one of my highlights. I shot a combination of RAW and in-camera HDR images from a tripod with my in-camera picture control settings set to full saturation.
I loved the people and friendliness of everyone we met in Hong Kong. While walking through the markets and streets in the rain I captured some wonderful faces and illustrative still life images. I often paused to show my subjects the image I took of them and this helped me make a personal connection with the people.
The transportation systems in Hong Kong are very impressive. It was great to be able to get around efficiently and safely, and the subway made zipping around underneath the city a breeze.
The food was incredible and we were able to taste and photograph some amazing cuisine. I am really looking forward to going back again soon to enjoy more of what this wonderful photo destination has to offer!
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